Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Tis true.....

There is a belief that there are 2 parts of the human body which continue to grow always.... the nose and the ears....

Whilst watching a documentary on The SS, I found the evidence to support this...

Tuesday, 20 December 2011


Cats which are new (or a bit dim) would do well to take note of the twelve nays !

Also this lovely song goes with a christmas cocktail:

Friday, 16 December 2011

Thinking Allowed - Grammar schools

Laurie Taylor is someone Egghorn wouldnt mind having a pint of beer with in a country pub... a versatile gentleman, and despite the general poor quality of 'expert' interviewees, a soothing approach to the confusions of society. This prog is best heard in the car on the M4.

So what's good about Grammar schools.?

Link will self distruct in a week - and will open in a new Window.

You can miss the opera part or not - programme of two topics each week, plus letters in the middle.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Oil of Ulay or scalpel?

Here are two photos of The Generation Game's Isla St. Clair, taken 21 years apart. There must be a haggard oil painting portrait of her in her attic is all i can say...

The sexy Mrs. Potts

Another Angela classic...


This is my first foray into the world of blogging.... and what better way to start than with this classic....

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Egghorn's Hareem

Wonderful Angela Lansbury, Egghorn Respects !

That is why Angela rocks and should hang out for a while in Egghorn's Hareem.

...and an interesting life story (1 min in) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZRz09nu_oI

Despite corny scripts and settings, Jessica Fletcher handles all situations with implicit ease and good will.

Egghorn's Hareem

Rula Lenska is a babe, and always has been with her husky voice and wild mane.
She is deffo in Egghorn's hareem. This will be a regular spot, as there are many strong women who should be adored by Egghorn.